Koran Australia The Age edisi Jumat 11 Maret 2011 ini memuat headline yang pasti akan menggegerkan Indonesia. Judul yang ditulis dalam huruf besar di halaman pertama itu berbunyi “Yudhoyono ‘Abused Power’”. Isinya, bocoran Wikileaks yang secara eksklusif diperoleh The Age mengenai penyalahgunaan kekuasaan yang dilakukan oleh Presiden Yudhoyono.
Kawat diplomatik Amerika serikat Yang Bocor oleh Wikileaks
Bocoran itu misalnya menyebut bahwa Yudhoyono, menurut sumber-sumber diplomat yang kemudian dibocorkan Wikileaks, pada Desember 2004 memerintahkan Hendarman Supandji, waktu itu Jaksa Agung Tindak Pidana Khusus. menghentikan penyidikan kasus korupsi yang melibatkan Taufik Kiemas, suami mantan presiden Megawati.
Bocoran lain menyebut Yudhoyono pernah diam-diam memerintahkan Kepala BIN Syamsir Siregar untuk memata-matai Menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi Yusril Ihza Mahendra. “Pengintaian dilakukan saat Menteri Yusril melakukan perjalanan rahasia ke Singapore untuk menemui seorang pebisnis Cina”.
The president reportedly also got BIN to spy on rival presidential candidates. This practice appears to have begun while Yudhoyono was serving as co-ordinating minister of political and security affairs in former president Megawati’s government. He directed the intelligence service to report on former army commander and Golkar presidential candidate Wiranto. Subsequently, at a meeting of Yudhoyono’s cabinet, BIN chief Syamsir characterised Wiranto as a “terrorist mastermind.”
Through his own military contacts Wiranto learnt that he was the subject of “derogatory” BIN reports, but when he complained he was told by presidential adviser TB Silalahi that no such reports existed.
The leaked US embassy cables are ambiguous on the question of whether Yudhoyono has been personally engaged in corruption. However, US diplomats reported that at a 2006 meeting with the chairman of his own Democratic Party, Yudhoyono “bemoaned his own failure to date to establish himself in business matters,” apparently feeling “he needed to ‘catch up’ … [and] wanted to ensure he left a sizeable legacy for his children.”
In the course of investigating the President’s private, political and business interests, American diplomats noted alleged links between Yudhoyono and Chinese-Indonesian businessmen, most notably Tomy Winata, an alleged underworld figure and member of the “Gang of Nine” or “Nine Dragons,” a leading gambling syndicate.
In 2006, Agung Laksono, now Yudhoyono’s Co-ordinating Minister for People’s Welfare, told US embassy officers that TB Silalahi “functioned as a middleman, relaying funds from Winata to Yudhoyono, protecting the president from the potential liabilities that could arise if Yudhoyono were to deal with Tomy directly.”
Tomy Winata reportedly also used prominent entrepreneur Muhammad Lutfi as a channel of funding to Yudhoyono. Yudhoyono appointed Lutfi chairman of Indonesia’s Investment Co-ordinating Board.
Senior State Intelligence Agency official Yahya Asagaf also told the US embassy Tomy Winata was trying to cultivate influence by using a senior presidential aide as his channel to first lady Kristiani Herawati.
Yudhoyono’s wife and relatives also feature prominently in the US embassy’s political reporting, with American diplomats highlighting the efforts of the president’s family “particularly first lady Kristiani Herawati …to profit financially from its political position.”
Menurut Wikileaks, diplomat-diplomat Amerika di Jakarta menyimpulkan bahwa meski Yudhoyono menang dalam pemilihan presiden dengan perolehan suara luar biasa, tapi dia tak mendapat dukungan politik dan praktis “lumpuh”. Dokumen ini juga menyebut keluarga Yudhoyono, khususnya Ibu Negara Ani Yudhoyono, memanfaatkan posisi politiknya untuk mendapatkan uang”.
Tidak hanya soal Yudhoyono yang ditulis dalam bocoran Wikileaks tersebut. Bocoran lain adalah tentang Jusuf Kalla. Menurut Wikileaks, Jusuf Kalla telah menyebar uang dalam jumlah besar untuk bisa memenangkan pemilihan Ketua Umum Golkar pada 2004. Dokumen ini juga menyebut keluarga Yudhoyono, khususnya Ibu Negara Ani Yudhoyono, memanfaatkan posisi politiknya untuk mendapatkan uang”.
US diplomats reported that, with 243 votes required to win a majority, the Golkar chairmanship would have cost more than US$6million.
“One contact claimed that [then Indonesian House of Representatives chairman Agung Laksono] alone — not the wealthiest of Kalla’s backers — had allocated (if not actually spent) Rp50 billion (more than US$5.5 million ) on the event.” The US embassy cables further allege that Yudhoyono had then cabinet secretary Sudi Silalahi “intimidate” at least one judge in a 2006 court case arising from a fight for control of former president Abdurahman Wahid’s National Awakening Party (PKB). According to the embassy’s contacts, Sudi told the judge “if the court were to help [Wahid] it would be like helping to overthrow the government.”
The intervention of “SBY’s right-hand man” was not successful in a direct sense because, according to embassy sources with close ties to the PKB and lawyers involved in the case, Wahid’s supporters paid the judges Rp3 billion in bribes for a verdict that awarded control of PKB to Wahid instead of a dissident faction. However, Yudhoyono’s strategic objective was achieved as external pressure on Wahid’s “precarious position” forced the PKB to reposition itself to support the administration.
sumber :http://www.asiasentinel.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=3052&Itemid=164
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